temporaryworlds Jun 10, 2013 21:31
bill willingham, fantasy, four and a half stars, fables, fairy tales, graphic novels, year published: 2010, mark buckingham
temporaryworlds Jun 03, 2013 21:34
parody, kevin david anderson, year published: 2010, four stars, sam stall, audiobook, science fiction
temporaryworlds May 29, 2013 21:46
fantasy, princess series, young adult, year published: 2010, four stars, jessica day george
temporaryworlds May 22, 2013 21:54
year published: 2010, insiders, dystopias, three and a half stars, maria snyder, science fiction
temporaryworlds Apr 29, 2013 16:53
fantasy, five stars, erin bow, young adult, year published: 2010
temporaryworlds Apr 26, 2013 18:20
curse workers, holly black, young adult, year published: 2010, four stars, urban fantasy
temporaryworlds Apr 20, 2013 19:21
fantasy, ebook, four and a half stars, year published: 2010, lauren beukes
temporaryworlds Apr 12, 2013 16:24
three stars, alex craft, audiobook, faeries, year published: 2010, witches, kaylana price, paranormal fantasy
temporaryworlds Mar 11, 2013 18:00
glamourist histories, fantasy, mannerist fantasy, year published: 2010, four stars, mary robinette kowal, audiobook
temporaryworlds Mar 09, 2013 20:33
fantasy, elemental blessings, four and a half stars, year published: 2010, sharon shinn, audiobook